Bitterroot Watershed TMDL Project Outreach
Page history
last edited
by Christina Staten 5 years, 7 months ago
Bitterroot TMDLs Welcome Page
TMDL Project Overview Completed TMDLs
Bitterroot Nonpoint Source Focus Watershed Homepage
Page Contents:
Announcements & Updates
July 23, 2019 |
A new project page has been created to provide information on DEQ's Nonpoint Source Program Focus Watershed Initiative, specific to the Bitterroot: Bitterroot Focus Watershed
Please contact Hannah Riedl, the Focus Watershed Project Coordinator, with inquiries: Hannah.Riedl@mt.gov, (406) 444-0549
September 23, 2014 |
A public informational meeting was held in Hamilton at the Bitterroot Valley Board of Realtors office at 5:30 PM on Spetember 22, 2014. This meeting discussed the nutrient, metals, and temperature TMDLs that were developed for the Bitterroot Watershed. The presentation can be found in the "Meetings & Presentations" table below.
September 8, 2014 |
The " Draft Bitterroot Watershed Total Maximum Daily Loads and Water Quality Improvement Plan" is currently available for public comment and can be downloaded here: http://deq.mt.gov/pubcom.mcpx. Public comment information can also be found by following the above link. |
August 8, 2014 |
The " Draft Bitterroot Watershed Total Maximum Daily Loads and Water Quality Improvement Plan" is currently available for stakeholder review and can be found on the Project Documents page. |
July 7, 2014 |
The Bitterroot Watershed Draft Nutrient TMDLs are currently available for stakeholder review and can be found on the Project Documents page. |
June 2, 2014 |
The Bitterroot Watershed Draft Metals TMDLs are currently available for stakeholder review and can be found on the Project Documents page. |
April 17, 2014 |
A Bitterroot Watershed Advisory Group meeting was held in Hamilton yesterday to discuss the current nutrient, metals, and temperature TMDL development in the Bitterroot watershed. The Powerpoint presentation and agenda can be found in the "Meetings & Presentations" table below. |
January 10, 2014 |
The project manager for nutrients has changed from Christian Schmidt to Mindy McCarthy. Contact information for Mindy can be found in the "Project Contacts" table below. |
January 6, 2014 |
The metals data collected on Lick Creek and at the Lolo WWTP in 2013 is available in both spreadsheet (MS Excel) and PDF formats and is also posted on the Project Overview page. The PDF contains a condensed summary of the data, and the spreadsheet contains the data in summary format as well as an expanded version with all data attributes. |
July 1, 2013
Updated: July 2
Project Team Changes:
The project coordinator has changed from Christina Staten to Jordan Tollefson. Jordan will also be the project manager for the Mill Creek temperature TMDL. Jordan recently joined DEQ's TMDL program and is coordinating multiple TMDL projects.
Field Work Plans:
Sediment data collection is planned for Meadow and Overwhich creeks in late August. Lick Creek, one of its tributaries, an irrigation canal, and the Lolo WWTP outfall are being sampled for metals in July and September. High-flow samples were collected at the same sites, except the WWTP, in June. Temperature data loggers were deployed in various locations in Mill Creek the week of June 24. The loggers will remain in the stream until early fall, recording the stream temperature every 30 minutes. Information on riparian vegetation and shade conditions will be collected on Mill Creek during the month of August (exact field dates have not been determined).
April 25, 2013 |
The presentation from yesterday's watershed advisory group meeting has been posted in the "Meetings & Presentations" table below. A summary table of the TMDLs that will be written and a corresponding map was handed out and is also available below. |
April 12, 2013 |
A watershed advisory group meeting is scheduled for April 24 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Bitterroot National Forest Supervisor's Office in Hamilton. DEQ and EPA will be reviewing the current project, including updated water quality assessment results, water quality sampling planned for this year, and outlining a project completion schedule. Contact Christina Staten at cstaten@mt.gov or 406-444-2836 if you would like additional information. |
January 9, 2013
Updated Jan 14
A spreadsheet of the nutrient and metals water quality data collected in 2012 (1.36 MB) is available for review. The spreadsheet contains both a condensed version of the data, and the data with all attributes. The condensed version of the data is also available in PDF format (~0.4 MB). DEQ is currently reviewing the nutrient data. Streams with the required minimum number of samples will be assessed for nutrient impairment following DEQ's new nutrient assessment method. TMDLs will be written for all streams determined to be impaired for nutrients. If a stream does not have the minimum number of samples required to complete the assessment, additional data may possibly be collected this summer.
Additional metals sampling will take place this summer. You may download Montana's numeric water quality standards from DEQ's Beneficial Use Assessment webpage if you would like to compare the metals sampling results to the standards. Numeric standards for nutrients are currently under development. Additional information can be found on DEQ's Numeric Nutrient Criteria webpage
An advisory group meeting to review the metals and nutrients assessment results and planning activities for the remaining sediment and temperature TMDLs will be planned for later this year.
October 4, 2012 |
Water Quality Monitoring Update:
All water quality sampling activities for 2012 were completed in September.
Project Staff Announcement:
Paul Kusnierz is the new project manager for the Mill Creek temperature TMDL. Paul is a new TMDL planner at DEQ, but previously worked in DEQ's water quality monitoring and assessment section. Paul's contact information is included in the project contacts table below.
August 22, 2012 |
Metals and nutrients sampling is occuring throughout the watershed during the entire month of August. Another round of sampling will take place in late September. A table and map of sampling locations can be found in the 2012 sampling and analysis plan. Additional information regarding sampling objectives can also be found on the Project Overview page.
July 17, 2012
Updated: August 3
Pages for the Bitterroot TMDLs have been reorganized. Please use the links at the top of each page to navigate between the new project pages. Some older project pages are no longer being used and links to those pages are not included at the top of the page; you may need to update your bookmarks.
Information on the sediment and temperature TMDLs completed in 2011 can be found on the Completed TMDLs in the Bitterroot River Watershed page.
Meetings & Presentations
October 7, 2010
An advisory group meeting was held at the Middle School in Hamilton to review the components of the draft temperature and sediment tributary TMDLs completed for the Bitterroot TMDL Planning Area (2011 TMDL document).
October 7, 2012 Presentation (5.3 MB)
May 5, 2011
A public informational meeting for the temperature and tributary sediment TMDLs was held at the Bedford Building (City Hall) in Hamilton, MT.
May 5, 2011 Presentation (4.84 MB)
April 25, 2013
DEQ and EPA held a watershed advisory group meeting in Hamilton to review the current TMDL project, discuss updated metals & nutrients assessment results, what TMDLs will be written, and field work/sampling plans for 2013. This meeting was associated with the 2014 Bitterroot Watershed TMDL document.
April 24, 2013 Presentation (4.96 MB)
Handout: Summary of Current Project & TMDLs to be Written (0.2 MB)
April 16, 2014
A watershed advisory group meeting was held in Hamilton to present the nutrient and metals TMDLs, discuss the sediment impairment updates, and present the temperature TMDL data that was collected in 2013.
April 16, 2014 Presentation (9.26 MB)
April 16, 2014 Meeting Agenda (0.3 MB)
September 23, 2014
A public informational meeting was held in Hamilton on Spetember 22, 2014. This meeting discussed the nutrient, metals, and temperature TMDLs that were developed for the Bitterroot Watershed Project Area in 2014.
September 22, 2014 Presentation (11.7 MB) |
Additional Outreach Information
DEQ created a TMDL pamphlet (0.5 MB) that provides a brief overview of the TMDL process, and explains why we write TMDLs and what happens once TMDLs are completed. If you would like a hard copy, please contact Christina Staten.
Project Contacts
Majority of the project team members for development of the Bitterroot TMDLs are no longer with DEQ. Current program contacts for the Bitterroot are provided in the table below.
DEQ Contact
Hannah Riedl
Nonpoint Source Program’s Focus Watershed Coordinator for the Bitterroot
(406) 444-0549
Kristy Fortman
Bitterroot TMDL Planning Area Sediment TMDL Writer, and Acting Supervisor of the Nonpoint Source & TMDL Programs
(406) 444-7425
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Page Released: July 17, 2012
Last Updated: July 24, 2019
Bitterroot Watershed TMDL Project Outreach
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